Deep in the heart of the Lowcountry down an old country road, sits a well-weathered white and green building: Harold’s Country Club. With gas pumps that don’t work and a sign that reads $1.35 per gallon, this local dive harkens back to a by-gone era of good times and unforgotten traditions. Although the gas pumps might not work, the beer coolers, pool tables and neon lights keep the locals coming back for more. Rich with mementos from by-gone times, every collectible, piece of signage, turkey fan and deer mount were hard earned and well deserved. If you're fortunate enough to find yourself at Harold's Country Club, have a good time, but be respectful. Big egos or bad manners will not be tolerated once you walk through those green doors.
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Thursday: Pot Luck Dinner
Friday: Wings and Things
Saturday: Steak Night (call for reservations)